Psycho-social and Demographic Characteristics and Adoption of the Nurse Practitioner Role by Diane C
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Psycho-social and Demographic Characteristics and Adoption of the Nurse Practitioner Role
Author : Diane Charmaine Burrows
Publisher : University of Nevada.
Published : 1978
ISBN-10 :
ISBN-13 :
Number of Pages : 150 Pages
Language : en
Descriptions Psycho-social and Demographic Characteristics and Adoption of the Nurse Practitioner Role
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Results Psycho-social and Demographic Characteristics and Adoption of the Nurse Practitioner Role
Adjustment to adoption: A psychosocial perspective - ScienceDirect - The present paper focuses on the issue of psychological risk associated with adoption. A selective review of the research literature is presented documenting the increased vulnerability of adopted children to behavioral and psychological problems. Following this review, a new psychosocial model of adoption adjustment is described
Social, Psychological, and Evolutionary Perspectives on Adoption - Adopti on, adoption seeking, and relinquishme nt for adoption in the United States. Advance Data from the Vital and Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 306:1 -16
Disability, psychosocial, and demographic characteristics of abused - Abstract. In a sample of 415 predominantly minority women with physical disabilities recruited from private and public specialty outpatient clinics, we examined experiences of physical, sexual, and disability-related abuse within the past year and its associations with demographic, disability, and psychosocial characteristics
Psycho-social and demographic characteristics and adoption of the nurse - Psycho-social and demographic characteristics and adoption of the nurse practitioner role by Diane Charmaine Burrows, 1975, University of Nevada edition, in English
Adjustment to adoption: A psychosocial perspective - Abstract. The present paper focuses on the issue of psychological risk associated with adoption. A selective review of the research literature is presented documenting the increased vulnerability of adopted children to behavioral and psychological problems. Following this review, a new psychosocial model of adoption adjustment is described
Psychosocial aspects of surrogate motherhood | Human Reproduction - Abstract. This review addresses the psychosocial research carried out on surrogacy triads (surrogate mothers, commissioning mothers and offspring) and shows that research has focused on a number of specific issues: attachment and disclosure to surrogate offspring; experiences, characteristics and motivations of surrogate mothers; and changes in profiles of the commissioning/intended mothers
Psychosocial Characteristics | SpringerLink - A psychosocial approach to human behavior involves the relation between intrapersonal psychological and environmental aspects. Psychosocial characteristics is commonly described as an individual's psychological development in relation to his/her social and cultural environment. "Psychosocial" means "pertaining to the influence of social
Social, psychological, and demographic characteristics of ... - PNAS - The current paper seeks to understand the social, psychological, and demographic characteristics of individuals who dehumanize. We focus on people making dehumanization judgments about immigrants and how their descriptions of immigrants (or immigration issues in the United States) relate to their willingness to punish those who cross the Mexico-United States border
Demographic characteristics, family environment and psychosocial - Conclusion The present study found that demographic characteristics, family environment and psychosocial factors were associated with internet gaming addiction, social media addiction and
Psychosocial Factors and Homelessness - American Psychological Association - Psychosocial Factors and Homelessness. Homelessness exists when people lack safe, stable and appropriate places to live. Sheltered and unsheltered people are homeless. People living doubled up or in overcrowded living situations or motels because of inadequate economic resources are included in this definition, as are those living in tents or
Psychosocial - Wikipedia - Psychosocial. The psychosocial approach looks at individuals in the context of the combined influence that psychological factors and the surrounding social environment have on their physical and mental wellness and their ability to function. This approach is used in a broad range of helping professions in health and social care settings as well
Socio-demographic, psychosocial and home-environmental attributes - Sample characteristics. Socio-demographic characteristics and mean scores for the home-environmental factors, psychosocial factors (sum scores and item level) and SB are shown in Table te correlations of the home-environmental and psychosocial items with TV viewing time and leisure-time Internet use are presented in Table total sample consisted of 198 men (47.3%) and 221 women
Demographic characteristics, family environment and psychosocial - @article{Zhang2022DemographicCF, title=Demographic characteristics, family environment and psychosocial factors affecting internet addiction in Chinese adolescents., author=Wanling Zhang and Janlin Pu and Ruini He and Minglan Yu and Liling Xu and Xiumei He and Ziwen Chen and Zhiqin Gan and Kezhi Liu and Youguo Tan and Bo Xiang, journal
Factors affecting the psychosocial well-being of orphan and ... - PLOS - Table 1 describes the demographic characteristics of the 2,013 orphan and separated children (923 residential care-based and 1,090 community-based) included in the 36-month follow-up of the POFO study . The mean age of the sample was 9.19 years old and there was a higher proportion of males (n = 1120, 55.6%) than females (n = 893, 44.4%)
Now focus on the six - Course Hero - Now focus on the six psychosocial (demographic) factors related to. Expert Help. Study Resources. ... the first three significant characteristics are age, gender, and socioeconomic status. ... and became the teenage mother of a male kid she later put up for adoption. The overwhelming majority (88.1%) of homicide perpetrators are males (FBI, 2018)
America's Families and Living Arrangements: 2020 - - These tables look at the demographic characteristics of the adult population 15 years and older. They describe the current marital status of people in the United States for selected age and earnings groups, as well as living arrangements and characteristics of parents with coresident children under 18
Erikson's Stages of Development - Verywell Mind - Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust. The first stage of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development occurs between birth and 1 year of age and is the most fundamental stage in life. Because an infant is utterly dependent, developing trust is based on the dependability and quality of the child's caregivers
Adjustment to adoption: A psychosocial perspective - The basic thesis of the model is that the experience of adoption exposes parents and children to a unique set of psychosocial conflicts or tasks that interact with and complicate the more universal developmental tasks of family life described by Erikson
Psychosocial variables related to the adoption of ... - PubMed - Previous research suggests that psychosocial factors may have significant impact on adoption and use of AT, thus a nonexperimental research design was used to investigate the impact of psychosocial and demographic variables on adoption of VRS by deaf or hard-of-hearing adults
Mental Health Effects of Being Adopted - Verywell Mind - Adoption involves placing a child with someone who is not their biological parent—whether this is after being separated at birth or being adopted at any subsequent point. There are about seven million adoptees living in the United States and approximately 140,000 are adopted each year
Psychosocial - Wikipedia - Psychosocial adaptation is a process a person experiences in order to achieve good fitness in person-environment congruence known as adjustment, a state of wisdom oriented activities and psychosocial equilibrium
Behavioral and Psychological Factors and Aging | NIA - Research supported and conducted by NIA is helping to identify lifestyle factors and health behaviors that directly influence physical, cognitive, sensory, and emotional health and risk of disease as people age, such as research linking work and social engagement to cognition
Psycho-social and demographic characteristics and adoption of - Psycho-social and demographic characteristics and adoption of the nurse practitioner role by Diane Charmaine Burrows, 1975, University of Nevada edition, in English Psycho-social and demographic characteristics and adoption of the nurse practitioner role (1975 edition) | Open Library
Adjustment to adoption: A psychosocial perspective - What is the psychosocial model of adoption adjustment?