Directory of Accredited Organizations and Continuing Education Certificate Programs Preparing Nurse
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Directory of Accredited Organizations and Continuing Education Certificate Programs Preparing Nurse Practitioners
Author :
Publisher : American Nurses' Association, Board on Accreditation
Published : 1991
ISBN-10 :
ISBN-13 :
Number of Pages : 32 Pages
Language : en
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An electronic book, also known as an e-book or eBook, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book",some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. E-books can be read on dedicated e-reader devices, but also on any computer device that features a controllable viewing screen, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
Results Directory of Accredited Organizations and Continuing Education Certificate Programs Preparing Nurse Practitioners
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Find A CME Provider | ACCME - Accreditation Council for Continuing - Use this search engine to find organizations accredited in the ACCME System as continuing medical education (CME) providers. Our database of about 1,600 organizations includes: ACCME-accredited providers: Organizations that offer CME primarily to national or international learners. State-accredited providers: Organizations that offer CME
ACCET » Mission, Scope, Overview - Mission. Our mission is to inspire and promote quality-oriented continuing education and training. Through the establishment of standards and the assurance of an accreditation process focused on integrity, we seek to identify, evaluate and enhance the delivery of continuing education and training. We are a voluntary affiliation of organizations
Accrediting Organizations for ICPE for Healthcare | Joint Accreditation - The First and Only Process in the World for Joint Accreditation for ICPE. We offer organizations the opportunity to be simultaneously accredited to provide continuing education activities for multiple professions through a single, unified application process, fee structure, and set of accreditation standards. You may also choose to award single
Home - IACET - The International Accreditors for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) is the developer of the original Continuing Education Unit (CEU) and today ensures that providers of continuing education and training can prove they provide high-quality instruction by following the ANSI/IACET 1-2018 Standard for Continuing Education and Training through a rigorous accreditation process
ANCC Accredited Professional Development Providers | ANA - Find ANCC Accredited Providers, Approvers, and Joint Accredited Providers. The list of all ANCC Accredited Providers, ANCC Accredited Approvers, and Joint Accredited Providers of continuing education is contained in a database searchable by state and credential type. The Practice Transition Accreditation Program (PTAP)™ organizations set the standard for residency or fellowship programs that
ACCET - Founded in 1974, the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) has been continuously recognized by the Department of Education as a reliable authority on educational quality since 1978. ACCET strives to identify, evaluate, and enhance the delivery of continuing education and training through an independent peer
Regional Accrediting Organizations | Council for Higher Education - Regional Accrediting Organizations The accrediting organizations identified in this directory are recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Recognition by CHEA affirms that the standards and processes of the accrediting organization are consistent with the academic quality, improvement and accountability expectations that CHEA has established, including the
PT. PENITI SUNGAI PURUN Company Profile - Dun & Bradstreet - Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for PT. PENITI SUNGAI PURUN of Kabupaten Kubu Raya, West Kalimantan. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet
Nursing Continuing Professional Development | ANCC | ANA - Accredited organizations use evidence-based ANCC criteria to plan, implement and evaluate the highest quality NCPD activities. As a result, health ministries, nursing organizations, employers, and continuing education enterprises rely on ANCC accreditation to call forth advanced nursing practice and improved outcomes
PNK | Supadio International Airport | Pontianak, - Edisi I : PNK | Supadio International Airport | Pontianak, West Borneo Bandara Internasional Supadio Pontianak Lokasi : Kubu Raya, Kalimantan
Continuing Education Sponsor Approval - American Psychological Association - We oversee the process of organizations seeking to become APA-approved sponsors through the CE Sponsor Approval System, offer continuing education to psychologists and facilitate psychologists' access to continuing ... Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation; Continuing Education in Psychology; Continuing Education Sponsor Approval;
How to Get Accredited for CE, CEU, CLE, CME, APA, CODA & AIA - BeaconLive - Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Become ACCME Accredited. For the purpose of recertification, the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ issued by organizations accredited by the ACCME (Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education). Same as above
Accredited Providers | Joint Accreditation - Provider Directory. These organizations are jointly accredited to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. Refresh Filters. Show providers accredited with commendation only. Profession. Activity Format. State. Country. AcademicCME, LLC. 531 E. Lancaster Ave Wayne, PA 19087, US
CHEA - Find Accredited Higher Education Institutions & Programs - International Directory. This Directory contains contact information about over 550 quality assurance bodies, accreditation bodies and Ministries of Education in over 170 countries. If you need more information, please contact chea@
CE Directory - PTCB - The speaker for this webinar is APhA's liaison member to the ACIP and will present the latest information from the June 2020 ACIP Meeting. Pharmacists are encouraged to attend this education event to stay abreast of recent immunization recommendations that may have a significant impact on your practice and continuing education. Expires: 7/16/23
Impact of Management Authority Transfer of SMA/SMK from Regency/City - ACCREDITED. JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching, and Learning) is Nationally Accredited by Kemristekdikti The journal is classified into national's 3rd highest cluster for reputable journal in Indonesia No SK: 21/E/KPT/2018 Date: July 9, 2018. Started from: Vol 1 No 1, 2016
Become Accredited - California Medical Association - Become Accredited. Accredited continuing medical education (CME) is essential for the continuing professional development for physicians. Accredited organizations are responsible for demonstrating that they meet requirements for delivering independent CME that accelerates learning, change, and improvement in healthcare
Search for an Approved Continuing Education Provider - NBCC - Who are the companies that provide professional continuing education?
Home - IACET - As the voice of Continuing Education and Training, IACET is an international standard development organization that provides a framework for learning process excellence. We foster connections through accreditation by establishing solutions for the continuing education and training industry by engaging community, encouraging collaboration, and
ANCC Accredited Professional Development Providers | ANA - Accredited organizations use evidence-based ANCC criteria to plan, implement and evaluate the highest quality NCPD activities. ANCC Accredited Provider organizations provide their own nursing continuing professional development activities. ANCC Accredited Approver organizations approve other organizations in two ways:
Accredited Providers | Joint Accreditation - Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Montefiore Medical Center. Bronx, NY. Accredited to offer continuing education credit for the following professions: dentistry, dietetics, medicine, nursing, optometry, pharmacy, PAs, psychology, social work and athletic training
Find a CME Provider - Accreditation Council for Continuing - Use this search engine to find organizations accredited in the ACCME System as continuing medical education (CME) providers. Our database of about 1,600 organizations includes: ACCME-accredited providers: Organizations that offer CME primarily to national or international learners
Search for an Approved Continuing Education Provider - The following organizations are no longer NBCC Approved Continuing Education Providers (ACEPs) and are not authorized to offer NBCC continuing education credit using their former ACEP number
ACCET - About ACCET. Founded in 1974, the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET) has been continuously recognized by the Department of Education as a reliable authority on educational quality since 1978. ACCET strives to identify, evaluate, and enhance the delivery of continuing education and training through an