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Washington Administrative Code
Author :
Publisher : Statute Law Committee
Published : 2001
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Number of Pages : 1418 Pages
Language : en
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Results Washington Administrative Code
Title 296 WAC: - Washington - WISHA administrative rules. 296-360: Discrimination, pursuant to RCW 49.17.160. 296-400A: Plumber certification rules. 296-403A: Amusement rides or structures. 296-800: Safety and health core rules. 296-801: Protecting temporary workers. 296-802: Employee medical and exposure records. 296-803: Lockout/tagout (control of hazardous energy). 296
Title 173 WAC: - Washington - Quincy groundwater subarea management policy. 173-136. The establishment of a system of authorizing the withdrawal of artificially stored groundwaters embodied in an approved declaration under RCW 90.44.130, which are commingled with public groundwaters in groundwater areas, subareas, and zones established under RCW 90.44.130. 173-145
Laws & rules | Washington Department of Revenue - Search for information regarding laws, rules, Washington tax decision, etc. Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Excise tax rules (WACs) List of all WACs; Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Excise tax laws (RCWs) List of all RCWs; Washington Tax Decisions (WTDs) Recently published;
Chapter 388-60B WAC: - Washington - 388-60B-0280. Adding direct treatment staff — What documentation must a program submit to the department to add a new direct service staff person, or request designation as a staff or supervisor for existing direct service staff, during a certification period? PROGRAM STANDARDS. HTML PDF. 388-60B-0300
Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Archive - The links below go to pages containing the versions of the WAC that were included in the printed two-column publication for that year. The year represents the published year, which contains documents from the previous year. Archived Printed Publication. 2019. 2018 . 2017. 2016 . 2015. 2014
WAC 296-800-100: - Washington - These rules are the Washington Administrative Code (WAC). How does DOSH work? The Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) covers nearly all employers and employees in Washington, including employees who work for the state, counties, and cities. L&I inspectors within DOSH enforce safety and health rules by inspecting workplaces
Washington Administrative Code, Introduction - The Washington Administrative Code: Title 478 WAC resource provides links to Washington Administrative Code (WAC) rules that are promulgated by the University of Washington. Each Washington State agency is provided with a separate title number under which it issues its WAC rules; the University's designated title is: Title 478 WAC
Factory Assembled Structures Laws & Rules - Washington State Department - Agencies adopt rules to implement laws. Rules implementing the laws in chapter 43.22 and 43.22(a) are codified in the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) at Title 296-Chapter 49A, and 150C, 150F, 150I, 150M, 150P, 150R, 150T, and 150V. The RCW and WAC are maintained and updated by the State Office of the Code Reviser
Chapter 296-880 WAC: - Washington - Ship repairing, shipbuilding and shipbreaking. HTML PDF. 296-880-30050. Longshore, stevedore, and waterfront related operations. HTML PDF. 296-880-30055. Ski area facilities and operations. HTML PDF. 296-880-400
Behavioral Health Regulations | Washington State Department of Health - The department of health uses the Revised Code of Washington (RCWs) and Washington Administrative Code (WACs) to credential and regulate behavioral health professions, facilities, and agencies. Select the links below to find the applicable RCWs and WACs for the credential type you are interested in
Chapter 458-61A WAC: - Washington - Transfers where gain is not recognized under the Internal Revenue Code. HTML PDF: 458-61A-213: IRS "tax deferred" exchange. HTML PDF: 458-61A-214: Nominee. HTML PDF: 458-61A-215: Clearing or exiting title, and additions to title. HTML PDF: ... Contact Congress - the Other Washington Governor's Website
2023 Big Game Hunting Seasons and Rules | Washington Department of Fish - This pamphlet does not contain nor is it intended to contain all Department regulations. Regulations specific to the hunting seasons described in this pamphlet are found in Sections 220-413-180 through 220-417-010, and 220-200-130 through 220-400-010, and 220-413-140 of the Washington Administrative Code. Effective April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024
Washington Administrative Code (WAC) - Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Regulations of executive branch agencies are issued by authority of statutes. Like legislation and the Constitution, regulations are a source of primary law in Washington State. The WAC codifies the regulations and arranges them by subject or agency
Chapter 18.20 RCW: ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES - Washington - Subject to the provisions of this section and RCW 18.20.430, the department's authority to approve or appoint a temporary manager is discretionary and not subject to the administrative procedure act, chapter 34.05 RCW
Chapter 110-300 WAC: - Washington - "WAC" means the Washington Administrative Code. "Wading pool" means a pool that has a water depth of less than two feet (24 inches). "Waiver" is an official approval by the department allowing an early learning provider not to meet or satisfy a rule in this chapter due to specific needs of the program or an enrolled child. The department may
Washington State Legislature - External Legislative Search - Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Code Reviser Joint Administrative Rules Review (JARRC) Joint Legislative Audit & Review (JLARC) Joint Transportation (JTC) Legislative Ethics Board Legislative Evaluation & Accountability Program (LEAP) Legislative Information Center (LIC)
WAC 173-340 - Washington State Department of Ecology - Chapter 173-340 WAC. Ecology proposes to amend Chapter 173-340 WAC, the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) Cleanup Regulations. As part of the rulemaking, Ecology is not proposing to change the cleanup standards in Parts 7 and 9 of the chapter, but is proposing to: Update the title of the chapter. Update the general provisions and defined terms in
Electrical Laws, Rules & Policies - Washington State Department of - 2023 rulemaking. L&I is considering adoption of the 2023 National Electrical Code (NEC) and other rule changes. L&I filed a formal Preproposal Statement of Inquiry (CR-101) on April 4. The changes under consideration would affect WAC 296-46B, Electrical Safety Standards, Administration, and Installation, excluding WAC 296-46B-945, Qualifying for master, journey level, specialty electrician
Policy, Laws and Rules | Washington State Department of Children, Youth - DCYF Related Laws & Rules Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 43.216 RCW Washington Administrative Code, Title 110 Administrative Policies 13.01 - Use ... Washington Administrative Code, Title 110. Administrative Policies. 13.01 - Use and Destruction of Health Care Information
Laws and Regulations | Washington State Department of Health - The Washington Administrative Code (WAC) is the list of rules that state agencies administer. A Sunrise Review is an evaluation of a proposal to change the laws regulating health professionals in Washington. The Access Washington webpages have information about Washington State laws and rules, as well as how a bill becomes a law. The RCW and
Laws and Agency Rules - Washington - Washington Administrative Code (WAC) — Regulations of executive branch agencies are issued by authority of statutes. Like legislation and the Constitution, regulations are a source of primary law in Washington State. The WAC codifies the regulations and arranges them by subject or agency. The online version of the WAC is updated twice a month
Chapter 388-78A WAC: - Washington - 388-78A-2466. Background checks—Washington state name and date of birth background check—Valid for two years—National fingerprint background check—Valid indefinitely. HTML PDF
Chapter 296-128 WAC: - Washington - Complaints alleging a violation of other rights under chapter 49.46 RCW — Administrative appeals. HTML PDF: 296-128-850: Complaints alleging a violation of other rights under chapter 49.46 RCW — Collection procedures. HTML PDF: 296-128-860: Severability clause
Chapter 110-300 WAC: - Washington - Zoning, codes, and ordinances. HTML PDF: 110-300-0420: Prohibited substances. HTML PDF: 110-300-0425: Initial, nonexpiring, dual licenses, and license modification. HTML PDF: 110-300-0435: Waiver from department rules — WAC. HTML PDF: 110-300-0436: Variance from department rules — WAC. HTML PDF: 110-300-0440
Code Reviser Office of the Code Reviser - Washington - Contact us at (360)786-6777 or email CROFrontDesk@ Interim office hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 - 4:45 . During the legislative session, office hours are: Monday - Thursday 7:30 - 8:00
Become a Licensed Child Care & Early Learning Provider | Washington - The Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) licenses approximately 6,000 early learning programs and school-age sites in the state of Washington. Licensed early learning providers follow foundational quality standards, the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), set by the state to ensure children in licensed care are in safe, healthy, and nurturing environments
Title 246 WAC: - Washington - Administrative procedures and requirements for credentialed health care providers. 246-14: Uniform procedures for complaint resolution. ... Washington medical commission. 246-922: Podiatric physicians and surgeons. 246-924: Psychologists. 246-926: Radiological technologists. 246-927: Recreation therapy
Chapter 246-272A WAC: - Washington - HTML PDF: 246-272A-0100: Sewage technologies. HTML PDF: 246-272A-0110: Proprietary treatment products—Certification and registration. HTML PDF: 246-272A-0120: Proprietary treatment product registration—Process and requirements
Chapter 246-341 WAC: - Washington - 246-341-1050. General requirements for mental health and substance use disorder inpatient and residential services. (Effective until May 1, 2023) HTML PDF. 246-341-1060. General requirements for mental health and substance use disorder inpatient and residential services providing services under chapter 71.05 or 71.34 RCW
WAC 296-800-100: - Washington - These rules are the Washington Administrative Code (WAC). How does DOSH work? The Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) covers nearly all employers and employees in Washington, including employees who work for the state, counties, and cities
Washington Administrative Code (WAC) - What are the regulations in the Washington Administrative Code?
Laws and Agency Rules - Washington - Washington Administrative Code (WAC) — Regulations of executive branch agencies are issued by authority of statutes. Like legislation and the Constitution, regulations are a source of primary law in Washington State. The WAC codifies the regulations and arranges them by subject or agency
Washington Administrative Code (WAC) - Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Regulations of executive branch agencies are issued by authority of statutes. Like legislation and the Constitution, regulations are a source of primary law in Washington State. The WAC codifies the regulations and arranges them by subject or agency
Chapter 110-300 WAC: - Washington - 110-300-0055. Developmental screening and communication to parents or guardians. HTML PDF. 110-300-0065. School readiness and family engagement activities. FAMILY ENGAGEMENT AND PARTNERSHIPS. HTML PDF. 110-300-0080. Family support self-assessment
Washington Administrative Code (WAC) - Washington Administrative Code (WAC) Regulations of executive branch agencies are issued by authority of statutes. Like legislation and the Constitution, regulations are a source of primary law in Washington State. The WAC codifies the regulations and arranges them by subject or agency. The online version of the WAC is updated twice a month