Jacqueline Rhoads
Julie C. Penick
Springer Publishing Company
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider by Jacqueline Rhoads, PhD, A
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Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider
Author : Jacqueline Rhoads, PhD, APRN-BC, CNL-BC, PMHNP-BE, FAANP, Julie C. Penick, PhD, DNP, MSN, FNP
Publisher : Springer Publishing Company
Published : 2017-11-17
ISBN-10 : 0826152236
ISBN-13 : 9780826152237
Number of Pages : 576 Pages
Language : en
Descriptions Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider
Praise for the First Edition:“Developing a comprehensive differential diagnosis for a specific complaint is a daunting task even for experienced advanced practice nurses. This user-friendly clinical guide provides a strategy and standard format for working through this complex task. It is a wonderful tool for both students and new advanced practice nurses...” -- 5 stars, Doody’sThis easy-access clinical guide to over 70 commonly seen symptoms, written for advanced practice provider (APP) students and new practitioners, describes a step-by-step process for obtaining a reliable patient history, choosing the appropriate physical exam, and using the patient history and physical exam findings to form a differential diagnosis. The second edition continues to include the case study approach, and is updated to incorporate 22 new symptoms along with contributions by a new editor, who is a leader in holistic health.The guide is distinguished by several unique features including focused patient history questions and responses, Physical Exam Findings, a Differential Diagnosis Table (clearly comparing potential diagnostic choices based on symptoms), a Diagnostic Examination table (including estimated costs and codes), and a Case Study Summary highlighting the critical thinking process. Symptoms are presented alphabetically in a systematic, unfolding case study approach and include chief complaint, presenting history, past history, and explicit methodology for determining correct diagnosis.Key Features:Describes over 70 (22 new to the second edition) commonly presented symptoms with unfolding case scenarios Offers a step-by-step approach to building clinical decision-making skills Provides quick access to differential diagnosis, requisite diagnostic tests, and clinical-decision making Guides APP students and novice practitioners in conducting a problem-focused history and examination Includes unique Differential Diagnosis tables and Diagnostic Examinations tables that help clarify strategies for diagnostic decision making
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An electronic book, also known as an e-book or eBook, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book",some e-books exist without a printed equivalent. E-books can be read on dedicated e-reader devices, but also on any computer device that features a controllable viewing screen, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.
Results Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider - Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider 3rd Edition is written by Jacqueline Rhoads and published by Springer Publishing Company. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider are 9780826144676, 0826144675 and the print ISBNs are 9780826144669, 0826144667. Save up to 80% versus print by going digital
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider - It is a wonderful tool for both students and new advanced practice nurses."-5 stars, Doody's. This one-of-a-kind resource is designed to help Advanced Practice Provider students master the process of conducting a quality differential diagnosis. It contains 95 symptom-based cases that empower readers to practice and hone their clinical skills
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider - This easy-access clinical guide to over 70 commonly seen symptoms, written for advanced practice provider (APP) students and new practitioners, describes a step-by-step process for obtaining a reliable patient history, choosing the appropriate physical exam, and using the patient history and physical exam findings to form a differential diagnosis
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice - It is a wonderful tool for both students and new advanced practice nurses."-5 stars, Doody's This one-of-a-kind resource is designed to help Advanced Practice Provider students master the process of conducting a quality differential diagnosis. It contains 95 symptom-based cases that empower readers to practice and hone their clinical skills
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider - "Developing a comprehensive differential diagnosis for a specific complaint is a daunting task even for experienced advanced practice nurses. This user-friendly clinical guide provides a strategy and standard format for working through this complex task. It is a wonderful tool for both students and new advanced practice nurses." -5 stars, Doody's
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider - "Developing a comprehensive differential diagnosis for a specific complaint is a daunting task even for experienced advanced practice nurses. This user-friendly clinical guide provides a strategy and standard format for working through this complex task. It is a wonderful tool for both students and new advanced practice nurses."-5 stars, Doody's
Teaching Differential Diagnosis to Nurse Practitioner Students - Differential diagnosis, the process by which providers use clinical reasoning to filter through possible diagnoses, is routine practice for advanced practice nurses. Teaching differential diagnosis poses a challenge for educators who seek to implement methods that explicate the process and capitalize on students' existing knowledge. Integration of the Differential Concept Map promotes the
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider - Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider: Edition 2 - Ebook written by Jacqueline Rhoads, PhD, APRN-BC, CNL-BC, PMHNP-BE, FAANP, Julie C. Penick, PhD, DNP, MSN, FNP. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for
Advanced Assessment: Interpreting Findings and Formulating Differential - I. The Art of Assessment and Clinical Decision Making 1. Assessment and Clinical Decision Making: An Overview 2. Genomic Assessment: Interpreting Findings and Formulating Differential Diagnoses II. Advanced Assessment and Differential Diagnosis by Body Regions and Systems 3. Skin 4. Head, Face, and Neck 5. Eye 6. Ear, Nose, Throat 7
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced ... - OverDrive - This easy-access clinical guide to over 70 commonly seen symptoms, written for advanced practice provider (APP) students and new practitioners, describes a step-by-step process for obtaining a reliable patient history, choosing the appropriate physical exam, and using the patient history and physical exam findings to form a differential diagnosis
Practical way of creating differential diagnoses through an expanded - The mnemonic VITAMINCDE as an aid memoire in making differential diagnosis is seen in the Family Medicine Reference web site. 1 An expansion of this mnemonic will serve to cover many more medical conditions. This new and expanded mnemonic takes into consideration all possible causes of diseases for the purpose of formulating a diagnosis and
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Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced ... - Goodreads - Praise for the First Edition: Developing a comprehensive differential diagnosis for a specific complaint is a daunting task even for experienced advanced practice nurses. This user-friendly clinical guide provides a strategy and standard format for working through this complex task
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Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider - This easy-access clinical guide to over 70 commonly seen symptoms, written for advanced practice provider (APP) students and new practitioners, describes a step-by-step process for obtaining a reliable patient history, choosing the appropriate physical exam, and using the patient history and physical exam findings to form a differential diagnosis
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider - It is a wonderful tool for both students and new advanced practice nurses."-5 stars, Doody's. This one-of-a-kind resource is designed to help Advanced Practice Provider students master the process of conducting a quality differential diagnosis. It contains 95 symptom-based cases that empower readers to practice and hone their clinical skills
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced ... - Goodreads - Praise for the First Edition: "Developing a comprehensive differential diagnosis for a specific complaint is a daunting task even for experienced advanced practice nurses
Differential diagnosis in advanced nursing practice - PubMed - Differential diagnosis in advanced nursing practice Br J Nurs. 2006 Oct;15(18):1007-11. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2006.15.18.22027. Author Heather Baid 1 ... to describe the process of formulating a differential diagnosis including using clinical reasoning skills, and to use a case study as an example of differential diagnosis in advanced clinical
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Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider - "Developing a comprehensive differential diagnosis for a specific complaint is a daunting task even for experienced advanced practice nurses. This user-friendly clinical guide provides a strategy and standard format for working through this complex task
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced - Praise for the First Edition: “Developing a comprehensive differential diagnosis for a specific complaint is a daunting task even for experienced advanced practice nurses. This user-friendly clinical guide provides a strategy and standard format for working through this complex task
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced - Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider 3rd Edition, Kindle Edition by FAANP Rhoads, Jacqueline, PhD, APRN-BC, CNL-BC, PMHNP-BE (Editor), FNP Penick, Julie C., PhD, DNP, MSN (Editor) Format: Kindle Edition 6 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $40.90 - $64.60 Read with Our Free App Paperback
- Advanced practice nurses in practice routinelydevelop differential diagnoses. Nurse practi-tioner (NP) students must learn to applyclinical reasoning to formulate the initial list of po-tential diagnoses and work through the evolvingprocess to determine the correct diagnosis. The termdifferential diagnosisrefers to a list of possible diagnosesbased on the patient’s presenting symptoms.1Although generating this requires knowledge,the critical aspect of differential diagnosis is theprocess
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Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced - Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Provider $65.49 (6) Only 17 left in stock - order soon. Praise for the First Edition: “Developing a comprehensive differential diagnosis for a specific complaint is a daunting task even for experienced advanced practice nurses
- Advanced practice nurses in practice routinelydevelop differential diagnoses. Nurse practi-tioner (NP) students must learn to applyclinical reasoning to formulate the initial list of po-tential diagnoses and work through the evolvingprocess to determine the correct diagnosis. The termdifferential diagnosisrefers to a list of possible diagnosesbased on the patient’s presenting symptoms.1Although generating this requires knowledge,the critical aspect of differential diagnosis is theprocess
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced - Praise for the First Edition: "Developing a comprehensive differential diagnosis for a specific complaint is a daunting task even for experienced advanced practice nurses. This user-friendly clinical guide provides a strategy and standard format for working through this complex task
Formulating a Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced - This one-of-a-kind resource is designed to help Advanced Practice Provider students master the process of conducting a quality differential diagnosis. It contains 95 symptom-based cases that empower readers to practice and hone their clinical skills