Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing by Ruth M. Kleinpell
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Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing
Author : Ruth M. Kleinpell
Publisher : Springer Publishing Company
Published : 2001-02-15
ISBN-10 : 0826113869
ISBN-13 : 9780826113863
Number of Pages : 273 Pages
Language : en
Descriptions Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing
This book provides up-to-date resources and examples of outcome measures, tools and methods that can be used by APNs in their quest to keep pace with new developments in the rapidly expanding field of outcome measurement. The chapter authors, recognized expert practitioners, offer invaluable insight into the process of conducting outcomes assessments in all APN practice, including the clinical nurse, nurse practitioner, certified registered nurse anesthetist and certified nurse midwife practice specialties. Detailed figures, tables, and examples of outcome studies from actual research in APN practice make this an essential resource for evaluating the true impact the advanced practice nurse has on the delivery and fulfillment of care.
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Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing 4e - Dr. Kleinpell's Outcome Assessment book is a classic text that is used in many advanced practice educational programs. Clinical Nurse Specialists design and implement outcomes assessments of best practices and care for patient populations as part of their daily role and this book is an indispensable resource
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing - Springer Publishing - The fifth edition of this award-winning text continues to be the only advanced practice nursing resource to focus exclusively on outcome assessment, an integral aspect of quantifying the effectiveness of care, both clinically and financially. Written by expert practitioners, educators, and researchers, this text analyzes the foundations of
PDF Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing ... - ResearchGate - Measuring Outcomes in Advanced Practice Nursing. In Kleinpell (Ed.), Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing (2nd ed., pp. 1-62). New York: Springer Publishing Company
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing, 3rd edition - The third edition of this important book continues to provide advanced practice nurses (APNs) with a framework for measuring the outcomes of their work. Regardless of the APN's specialty, understanding the literature about APN outcomes and how to assess those outcomes is an essential skill. The first 5 chapters of this book reflect on measuring outcomes, analyzing economic outcomes
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing, Second Edition - Editorial Reviews. Reviewer: Kathleen M. Woodruff, DNP, RN, ANP-BC(USC School of Social Work) Description: This valuable resource assists advanced practice nurses with identifying appropriate outcomes and measurement tools for use in nursing practice. The previous edition was published in 2001. Purpose: This book presents an overview of advanced practice nursing outcomes research and a
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing, Fourth Edition - Goodreads - Recipient of the AJN Book of the Year Award for the 2nd and 3rd Editions! Third Edition named a Doody's Core Title. As the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) role continues to expand in today's health care environment, APRNs are more frequently tasked with quantifying, evaluating, and improving their individual care processes, as well as demonst
Assessing outcomes in advanced practice nursing practice: the use of - Advanced practice nurses (APNs) impact both patient care and healthcare systems on a daily basis. ... Assessing outcomes in advanced practice nursing practice: the use of quality indicators and evidence-based practice AACN Clin Issues. 2005 Jan-Mar;16(1) :43-57 ... Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care / organization & administration*
Full article: Advanced practice nurse education in its infancy: an - Introduction. There is a growing worldwide interest in educating nurses at an advanced level. The International Council of Nurses (Citation 2020) defines advanced practice nursing (APN) as an umbrella term for master-educated nurses working within the expanded nursing there is a wide variety of educational requirements, regulations, and scopes of practice around the globe (Heale
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing - Google Books - The fifth edition of this award-winning text continues to be the only advanced practice nursing resource to focus exclusively on outcome assessment, an integral aspect of quantifying the effectiveness of care, both clinically and financially. Written by expert practitioners, educators, and researchers, this text analyzes the foundations of outcome assessment, provides guidelines for selecting
Association of Smoking Related to Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice - MK, K., HE, H., & J, F. (2019). Knowledge and Attitude Regarding National Tobacco Control Law and Practice of Tobacco Smoking among Bangladesh Police. Mymensingh Med, 28(4). MoH Indonesia. (2008). Laporan Nasional Riskesdas 2007 [National Report on Basic Health Research 2007]. Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 1-384
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing - Google Books - Revised to provide APRN students and educators, practicing APRNs, and nursing administrators with the most up-to-date information on outcome assessment, the fourth edition of this award-winning text is still the only nursing resource to exclusively focus on outcome assessment. Written by expert practitioners, educators and researchers, this
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing - Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing. Ruth M. Kleinpell, PhD, RN-CS, FAAN, FAANP, FCCM Winner of an AJN Book of the Year Award for 2009!
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing - - Dr. Kleinpell received her acute care nurse practitioner certification at Rush University College of Nursing. She is known for her work on outcome research and has presented and published in the areas of assessing outcomes of advanced practice nursing, outcome research, and other areas of nursing practice
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing 4e / Edition 4 - Outcome Measurement in Nurse-Midwifery Practice. Julie Marfell. 10. Outcome Assessment in Nurse Anesthesia. Michael J. Kremer and Margaret Faut Callahan. 11. Measuring Outcomes of Doctor of Nursing Practice. Marguerite J. Murphy, Kathy S. Magdic, and Terri L. Allison. 12. Resources to Facilitate Advanced Practice Nursing Outcome Research
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing ... - ResearchGate - Outcome research has been shown to help identify the unique effect of APNs in patient care and to highlight the health-related improvements through Advanced Nursing Practice for health policy and
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing, 3rd edition - The next 6 chapters offer outcome assessments and measures for various specialty types such as cardiovascular nursing, clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthesia, and doctor of nursing practice. The final chapter offers an approach to furthering research on APN outcomes
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing - Google Books - Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing. Ruth M. Kleinpell, PhD, ACNP-BC, FAAN, FAANP, FCCM. Springer Publishing Company, Jun 28, 2017 - Medical - 296 pages. 0 Reviews. Reviews aren'
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing|eBook - Purpose: The purpose is to provide advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) with a clear understanding of outcome assessment in healthcare. It is essential that nursing professionals of all specialties be able to demonstrate their value through outcomes assessment
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing 4e - Dr. Kleinpell's Outcome Assessment book is a classic text that is used in many advanced practice educational programs. Clinical Nurse Specialists design and implement outcomes assessments of best practices and care for patient populations as part of their daily role and this book is an indispensable resource
- APRNs, advanced practice registered nurses. Strategies that can be used to measure APRN impact include establishing role-specific metrics, planning for outcome evaluation when any new role is established, and building in outcome assessment as a part of the Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation (OPPE) processes of an institution
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- APRNs, advanced practice registered nurses. Strategies that can be used to measure APRN impact include establishing role-specific metrics, planning for outcome evaluation when any new role is established, and building in outcome assessment as a part of the Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation (OPPE) processes of an institution
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Practice Nursing - A new outcome assessment template to aid in the practical application of content. New exemplars demonstrating practical application in a variety of settings. Includes examples of APRN roles and impact resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Increased coverage of DNP competencies and scope of practice