Patients at Risk by Niran Al-Agba, Rebekah Bernard
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Patients at Risk
Author : Niran Al-Agba, Rebekah Bernard
Publisher : Universal-Publishers
Published : 2020-11-01
ISBN-10 : 1627343164
ISBN-13 : 9781627343169
Number of Pages : 254 Pages
Language : en
Descriptions Patients at Risk
Patients at Risk: The Rise of the Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant in Healthcare exposes a vast conspiracy of political maneuvering and corporate greed that has led to the replacement of qualified medical professionals by lesser trained practitioners. As corporations seek to save money and government agencies aim to increase constituent access, minimum qualifications for the guardians of our nation’s healthcare continue to decline—with deadly consequences. This is a story that has not yet been told, and one that has dangerous repercussions for all Americans. With the rate of nurse practitioner and physician assistant graduates exceeding that of physician graduates, if you are not already being treated by a non-physician, chances are, you soon will be. While advocates for these professions insist that research shows that they can provide the same care as physicians, patients do not know the whole truth: that there are no credible scientific studies to support the safety and efficacy of non-physicians practicing without physician supervision. Written by two physicians who have witnessed the decline of medical expertise over the last twenty years, this data-driven book interweaves heart-rending true patient stories with hard data, showing how patients have been sacrificed for profit by the substitution of non-physician practitioners. Adding a dimension neglected by modern healthcare critiques such as An American Sickness, this book provides a roadmap for patients to protect themselves from medical harm. WORDS OF PRAISE and REVIEWSAl-Agba and Bernard tell a frightening story that insiders know all too well. As mega corporations push for efficiency and tout consumer focused retail services, American healthcare is being dumbed down to the point of no return. It's a story that many media outlets are missing and one that puts you and your family's health at real risk. --John Irvine, Deductible MediaLaced with actual patient cases, the book’s data and patterns of large corporations replacing physicians with non-physician practitioners, despite the vast difference in training is enlightening and astounding. The authors' extensively researched book methodically lays out the problems of our changing medical care landscape and solutions to ensure quality care. --Marilyn M. Singleton, MD, JDA masterful job of bringing to light a rapidly growing issue of what should be great concern to all of us: the proliferation of non-physician practitioners that work predominantly inside algorithms rather than applying years of training, clinical knowledge, and experience. Instead of a patient-first mentality, we are increasingly met with the sad statement of Profits Over Patients, echoed by hospitals and health insurance companies. --John M. Chamberlain, MHA, LFACHE, Board Chairman, Citizen Health A must read for patients attempting to navigate today’s healthcare marketplace. --Brian Wilhelmi MD, JD, FASA
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Results Patients at Risk
Key Points From the 2019 ACC/AHA Guidelines on the Primary Prevention - Statin therapy is first-line treatment for primary prevention of ASCVD in patients with elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels (≥190 mg/dL), those with diabetes mellitus who are 40-75 years of age, and those determined to be at sufficient ASCVD risk after a clinician-patient risk discussion
Cancer risk found to be higher in asthma patients - The researchers found that asthma patients were more likely to develop cancer versus patients without asthma (hazard ratio [HR], 1.36). Elevated cancer risk was seen in asthma patients both
COVID-19: Who's at higher risk of serious symptoms? - Older age. People of any age can catch COVID-19. But it most commonly affects middle-aged and older adults. The risk of developing dangerous symptoms increases with age, with those who are age 85 and older are at the highest risk of serious symptoms. In the , about 81% of deaths from the disease have been in people age 65 and older
AI model Sybil can predict lung cancer risk in patients, study says - The group found that it was shown to accurately predict whether a person will develop lung cancer in the next year 86% to 94% of the time, and up to 81% of the time within six years. However, they
Five Ways to Communicate Risks So That Patients Understand - Patients' risk of developing a certain disease, their risk reduction from taking a certain medication, or the risks and benefits of a certain screening or procedure are not easy to understand
Patient Privacy at Risk in Senate Bill Aimed at Pharmacy Managers - Patients, unsurprisingly, will get caught in the middle. Subscribe to Reason Roundup, a wrap up of the last 24 hours of news, delivered fresh each morning. Email
PDF Risk Stratification Why Population Health Management - Nachc - patients as both individuals and as members of a larger community or population. At the individual level, a patient's risk category is the first step towards planning, developing, and implementing a personalized care plan. One common method of segmenting patients is by "risk" level: high-, medium- (rising), and low- risk
Medical Error Reduction and Prevention - PubMed - Nevertheless, not addressing the problem increases the potential for more adverse events which places more patients at risk. Rather than placing blame, administrators and review boards need to move toward eliminating the blame-shame-discipline structure and move toward a prevention and education structure
What Is Risk Management in Healthcare? | Catalyst Carryover - Risk management in healthcare comprises the clinical and administrative systems, processes, and reports employed to detect, monitor, assess, mitigate, and prevent risks. By employing risk management, healthcare organizations proactively and systematically safeguard patient safety as well as the organization's assets, market share
Patient Safety - WHO - Patient safety is fundamental to delivering quality essential health services. Indeed, there is a clear consensus that quality health services across the world should be effective, safe and people-centred. In addition, to realize the benefits of quality health care, health services must be timely, equitable, integrated and efficient
Common Problems Patients Face in the Hospital - WebMD - After urinary tract infections and wound infections, it's the most common hospital acquired infection. According to the CDC, estimates of hospital pneumonia's mortality rate are as high as 33%. It
Approach to Improving Patient Safety: Communication | PSNet - The use of structured and codified communication practices can help to ensure consistent communication across providers and alleviate the risk of adverse events stemming from communication breakdowns. For example, interdisciplinary bedside rounding approaches bring together clinicians with the goal of sharing patient information and
Risk management in healthcare: What it is and why it matters - Risk management must take into account patients' conditions, including their cognitive ability, in protecting patient health and safety. Preventing family visits during the COVID-19 pandemic is an example of risk mitigation to patients and staff
Global Patient Safety and Risk Management Software System ... - MarketWatch - The MarketWatch News Department was not involved in the creation of this content. Apr 14, 2023 (The Expresswire) -- Patient Safety and Risk Management Software System Market Report Insights (2023
On the Verge of Full FDA Approval, New Details About Leqembi Death - However, people with the condition CAA have increased risk of serious side effects. The big takeaway: Clinicians prescribing Leqembi need to not only explain the heightened risks of anti-amyloids to patients on blood thinners; they should also run expensive tests to confirm a patient does not have CAA, as this carries heightened risk of
What factors increase the risk of psychiatric symptoms in long COVID - In the present systematic review, researchers analyzed data on psychiatric symptomatology and associated risk factors among PCC patients. Databases such as EMBASE, PubMed, and SCOPUS were searched
National Center for Biotechnology Information - National Center for Biotechnology Information
Factors That Affect Your Risk of Getting Very Sick from COVID-19 - Certain underlying health conditions you have (for example, obesity or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder) may affect your risk of becoming very sick if you get COVID-19. Often, the more health conditions you have, the higher your risk. Certain conditions increase your risk more than others. For example, severe heart disease increases your
People with Certain Medical Conditions | CDC - Die. In addition: Older adults are at highest risk of getting very sick from COVID-19. More than 81% of COVID-19 deaths occur in people over age 65. The number of deaths among people over age 65 is 97 times higher than the number of deaths among people ages 18-29 years. A person's risk of severe illness from COVID-19 increases as the number
Evaluating patients for fall risk - Mayo Clinic - Fall risk assessment. According to Dr. Weber, there are many tools available for quick assessment of fall risk. "These are important tools to have in your repertoire because patients are prone to underreporting falls, either for fear of losing their independent living status, or because of difficulties with memory and recall
Risk Stratification 101: What is it and how is it used? - Johns Hopkins - The ACG System provides this data and enables the user to filter the population by risk level. The health system is now able to get a clear view of the patients who need more care and attention for their overall health. The ACG System also provides trends on medical cost, risk of hospitalization and non-emergent emergency department (ED
Underlying Medical Conditions Associated with Higher Risk for ... - CDC - ‡ Underlying conditions for which there is evidence in pediatric patients ^ Risk may be further increased for people receiving dialysis. Top of Page. Actions Healthcare Professionals Can Take. Support vaccination with approved and authorized COVID-19 vaccines (primary series and boosters), which are safe and effective
Patients at Risk: The Rise of the Nurse Practitioner and Physician - Patients at Risk: The Rise of the Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant in Healthcare exposes a vast conspiracy of political maneuvering and corporate greed that has led to the replacement of qualified medical professionals by lesser trained practitioners. As corporations seek to save money and government agencies aim to increase
Junior doctors' strike puts patients at more risk - Barclay - A four-day walkout by junior doctors across England straight after the Easter break is putting patients at "greater risk", says Health Secretary Steve Barclay. More than a quarter of a million
Risk Stratification: A Two-Step Process for Identifying Your Sickest - Risk stratification uses a mix of objective and subjective data to assign risk levels to patients. Practices can systematically use patient risk levels to make care management decisions, such as
Risk Model for In-Hospital Mortality After PCI - American College of - The bedside clinical risk score had excellent discrimination across different risk strata of patients and appears to enhance prior risk models. Given that the CathPCI mortality risk model is used for public reporting and determines payment, its ability to accurately assess and reflect case mix and risk is crucial
Using Risk Scores, Stratification for Population Health Management - A risk score may indicate the likelihood of a single event, such as a hospital readmission within the next six months, while a risk stratification framework may combine several individual risk scores to create a broader profile of a patient and his or her complex, ongoing needs. Healthcare payers and providers both use risk scores to estimate
Risk Stratification: A Two-Step Process for Identifying Your - These intangible factors can lead staff to increase or decrease a patient's step-two risk level: Presence or absence of family and social supports. Presence or absence of negative social determinants of health. Evaluation of whether the patient is “living on the edge.” Ease or difficulties with
Risk Stratification: A Two-Step Process for Identifying Your Sickest - What is clinical risk?
Five Ways to Communicate Risks So That Patients Understand - REMIND THE PATIENT THAT ALL OPTIONS CONFER SOME RISK. “Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability,” in the words of Sir William Osler.6 Living with uncertainty is a constant fact of life for both physicians and patients. USE ABSOLUTE RISK RATHER THAN RELATIVE RISK TO REDUCE BIAS. A Cochrane review of 35 papers found that participants (both patients and health professionals) understood absolute risk reduction and relative risk reduction about equally, but relative risk reduction was more persuasive.7 Research has shown that changes in risk appear larger when presented using relative risk versus absolute risk.8 And a more recent systematic review demonstrated that data presentations that included absolute risks maximized accuracy without influencing decisions to accept therapy.9. BE CAREFUL ABOUT THE WAY YOU PRESENT NUMBERS. When discussing the risk that an event will occur, you have several options: Percentages (40 percent risk), USE VISUAL AIDS. People learn in different ways. For some people, particularly those with low literacy, hearing the numbers is less clear than seeing a visual example of the same numeric information
- At-Risk Patients. Patients are considered “at risk” if, at a minimum, they: Are legally committed. Have a court-appointed legal guardian. Are considered dangerous to self or others. Have a history of wandering or being missing. Lack cognitive ability (either permanently or temporarily) to make relevant decisions
Risk Stratification: Understanding Patient Population & Models - High-risk patients with chronic illnesses account for 90% of the nation’s $3.8 trillion in annual healthcare spending. The individuals in the highly complex category alone, which represent only 5% of the patient population, account for half of that sum
Underlying Medical Conditions Associated with Higher Risk for - Higher risk is defined as an underlying medical condition or risk factor that has a published meta-analysis or systematic review or underwent the CDC systematic review process. The meta-analysis or systematic review demonstrates a conclusive increase in risk for at least one severe COVID-19 outcome
Patient Safety - WHO - Key facts The occurrence of adverse events due to unsafe care is likely one of the 10 leading causes of death and disability In high-income countries, it is estimated that one in every 10 patients is harmed while receiving hospital care (2). Each year, 134 million adverse events occur
- At-Risk Patients. Patients are considered “at risk” if, at a minimum, they: Are legally committed. Have a court-appointed legal guardian. Are considered dangerous to self or others. Have a history of wandering or being missing. Lack cognitive ability (either permanently or temporarily) to make relevant decisions